Too Hot to Handle- My Fave Tokusatsu Villainesses [Valentine's Day Special]

They are mean, they are bad to the bone, they want to rule the world, and they are ridiculously hot. Dear readers, in view of the fact that we have Valentine’s Day today, I decided to prepare something special for this occasion. That is to say, I invite you to go through a personal rundown of my favourite female villains from the vast realm of Tokusatsu.
7. Malshina
A few years ago, when I was at the beginning of my Tokusatsu adventure, I would have probably placed Malshina at no. 1 spot. Let’s face it, she is the ultimate parody of each and every villainess who came before her. Everything about her is over the top: the uniform, glasses, exposed thighs, and purple hairstyle. She works perfectly as a foe for the Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger team during the first season of the show. Unfortunately, the filmmakers realised that they struck gold with this character, so they just could not help themselves and brought her back for Season 2, just to keep on churning out less-than-ambiguous jokes. Still, I love Malshina for what she is, and my respect goes to former JAV actress Ai Shimomura for her performance. She and other cast members must have undoubtedly had lots of fun on the set of Akibaranger.
6. Beauty Zonette
At spot no. 6 we have Zonette from Gekisou Sentai Carranger. Technically, I would say that this villainess fits more into the category of cute rather hot. In addition, her character undergoes zero development throughout the series (she hangs out with baddies mainly because she is bored), but I do love the hilarious romance subplot between her and RedRacer. This was yet another aspect of Carranger which made me absolutely adore this particular season of Super Sentai. Unfortunately, I did not manage to find a lot of information on Rika Nanase, the actress who portrayed Zonette, apart from the fact that, similarly to Ai Shimomura, she was also in the JAV business and retired from acting in 1998.
5. Queen Hedrian
As actress Reiko Chiba (who played Mei in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger) stated, the late Machiko Soga brought the necessary style and spiciness to Super Sentai with her role of Queen Hedrian in Denshi Sentai Denjiman and Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan. This particular female villain is just so edgy and so… sci-fi. It’s a terrible loss that Machiko Soga is no longer with us. I am also giving a shout out to her wonderful portrayal of Witch Bandora in Zuyranger.
4. Mele
At number 4, we have a nemesis from the Juken Sentai Gekiranger. I admit that I still have yet to finish this particular show, but I can’t help but adore the character of Mele. Her Chinese design, especially the unconventional hairstyle is awesome. Just look at this YouTube clip. It’s a shame that actress Yuka Hirata did not do a lot of other Tokusatsu work outside of Gekiranger. At least you can admire her craft in terms of voice acting.
3. Lila
The third place goes to a baddie from one of my all-time fave Super Sentai seasons, Mirai Sentai Timeranger. Lila was part of the Londerz Family, a group of criminals who escaped from the confinement facility and jumped in time to the year 2000. I have to say that the general design of Lila is so kick-ass. I totally dig the white cape and massive, plastic shoulder pads. Unfortunately, we see very little of Lila in a regular, human form throughout the show, which is a shame because this season could benefit from a variety of crazy hairstyles of this character. Actress Asami Kuru currently works as a mental trainer. Apart from organising workshops, she is also incredibly active on social media.
2. Secret Scorpion Officer Lami
As for villainess number 2, there is no doubt about it, Lami takes the silver-medal prize! Although the wife of Grifforzer appeared nearly halfway through Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger season, she managed to wipe the floor with the ranger team. Her scorpion-themed outfit is an epic win, but Lami is also a pro when it comes to disguises. I do really enjoy episodes when she appears in a human form. Last but not least, the character received a happy ending (of sorts) because she gave birth to a baby Grifforzer! Actress Ami Kawai fondly recalls her time on Zyuranger, citing that behind-the-scenes experience helped her overcome the fear of heights!
1. The Amazoness
And the winner of the grand prize is… the one and only… Amazoness from Toei’s Spider-man (1978) show! The second-in-command of the Iron Cross Army has it all: Fabulous hair? Check. Eyeliner? Check? Black cape? Check. Iron-like necklace? Check. Beating stick? Double check! What I like best about this villainess though are her facial expressions which range from “WTF, Spider-man’s alive?” to “I’m going to end you!” Actress Yukie Kagawa nails it to the cross with her silent-film-like performance, which makes perfect sense in a show which relies on quick cuts and action rather than dialogue. In a 2017 interview, Kagawa recalled that she greatly enjoyed working on Spider-man; however, persevering though stunt work was a challenge, but still the cast members became great friends on the set. Oh, Amazoness. I pledge allegiance to the Iron Cross Army. We shan’t give up and we will crush the wallcrawler once and for all!
So this was my personal list of favourite Tokusatsu villainesses. I hope you enjoyed this rundown and feel free to name your fave female villains in the comments. If you enjoyed this post, then please stay tuned. Hopefully, I will publish a companion piece focusing on Tokusatsu heroines soon. Ebisuno over and out. Stay safe and take care!
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  1. Man... I wish I knew more about Tokusatsu so I could better appreciate these fabulous ladies!

    Although I can't lie, The Amazoness with "Damn you Spiderman" screenshot got a solid chuckle out of me too!

    1. The beauty of Tokusatsu is that it's so vast that everyone can find something for themselves. I'm far from being an expert on the genre (still have yet to start Ultraman and Kamen Rider), but I just felt the need to write an appreciation post on these crazy gals :)

      Thanks for a kind comment, and yeah, The Amazoness is hilarious with her "Scooby-doo"-like attitude.

      PS The final screenshot of Lami undercover is actually an Easter Egg for Zyuranger fans. In that episode, the rangers are framed and portrayed as bad guys, hence Lami (posing as a news reporter) asks "How long will we allow this lawlessness to continue?" :)


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